

Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck in Scottsdale, Glendale & Mesa, AZ

Factors like pregnancy, significant weight loss, genetics, and even the aging process can impact the appearance of your abdomen. Unwanted sagging skin, stubborn fat pockets, and weakened abdominal muscles can hinder your efforts to tone your belly, affecting your overall figure and your feelings about your body. With a tummy tuck, you can eliminate these bothersome areas to redefine your contours for a rejuvenated overall figure and restore your confidence.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kyle Sanniec is a body sculpting specialist who strives to make elite procedures available to the average person. With Midwest values and extensive medical expertise, Dr. Sanniec combines his meticulous surgical skills with his patients’ goals to deliver natural-looking plastic surgery results.

Are you interested in learning how a tummy tuck with Dr. Kyle Sanniec can enhance your overall physique and boost your confidence? Contact us at (602)-786-1144 or complete our online form to request your consultation to begin your body contouring journey today!

What Is a Tummy Tuck?

Abdominoplasty, more commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a procedure to address loose, sagging skin and redundant fat and tighten and repair the abdominal muscles. Tummy tucks deliver exceptional plastic surgery results for men or women who are at or near their ideal body weight but are still bothered by the appearance of their abdomen.

A tummy tuck incision can vary depending on the patient’s needs:

  • A standard tummy tuck stretches from one hip bone to the other, allowing Dr. Sanniec to sculpt the area. Dr. Sanniec creates a slimmer, tighter abdominal appearance by repairing weakened abdominal muscles (diastasis recti) and excising redundant tissues like skin and fat.
  • An extended tummy tuck extends the incision to the posterior portion of the hip bone to excise additional skin and, when combined with flank and back liposuction, can narrow the waist and transform the midsection.
  • A mini-tummy tuck is a smaller incision between the pubic area and treats excess skin underneath the belly button. This is particularly useful after pregnancy in patients who just can’t get rid of the loose skin on the lower abdomen, no matter their exercise and diet routine. 

Tummy Tuck Benefits

North Scottsdale abdominoplasty restores the appearance of the abdomen to enhance a sleeker, more youthful figure and provides body-positive benefits, including:

  •  A firmer, more defined midsection
  • Improved abdominal tone
  • More proportioned figure
  • Natural-looking, long-lasting results
  • Increased confidence and renewed self-image

Tummy tucks are body contouring procedures rather than weight loss solutions. As such, candidates should be at or near their ideal weight with a BMI of 30 or less. Dr. Sanniec will review your expected results during your consultation to ensure they are realistic and anatomically accomplishable.

Male Tummy Tuck in Phoenix, AZ

While male tummy tuck procedures are performed similarly to female tummy tucks, how your surgeon approaches the male physique and their unique goals and expectations for body sculpting procedures matters. A male tummy tuck focuses on creating more definition in the abdomen for a stronger, more masculine look.

Male tummy tucks utilize a low, horizontal incision across the belt line. Once the skin is lifted from the abdominal wall, excess skin is removed, and the underlying muscles are tightened. The skin is re-draped and tightened, and finally, the belly button is placed through a new incision to ensure a masculine look.

Male Abdominal Etching

Male abdominal etching is a liposculpture procedure that strategically removes unwanted fat around the midsection and contours the abdominal muscles, creating a flatter stomach and six-pack abs. 

With abdominal etching, Dr. Sanniec can help enhance your abdominal muscles to help you accomplish your fitness goals and boost your confidence. Male abdominal etching can provide long-lasting plastic surgery results when you maintain your healthy diet and exercise routine.

Choosing Dr. Kyle Sanniec for Tummy Tuck in North Scottsdale, Glendale, Mesa AZ

Dr Sanniec was born and raised in Arizona.  He then went to college in the Midwest and came back to Arizona for his medical education.  He graduated from the University of Arizona College of Medicine.  He then trained with world experts at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, TX, the US World News Top Plastic Surgery residency training program in the country. With a premier education from pioneers in the field, Dr. Sanniec learned how to perform primary and secondary plastic surgeries in numerous ways, providing him the knowledge to truly customize procedures to ensure his patients’ safety and optimal results. 

before and after tummy tuck front view female patient

Your Tummy Tuck Consultation

During your abdominoplasty consultation, don’t be alarmed if Dr. Sanniec tries to talk you out of plastic surgery. Rather than convincing patients to get plastic surgery, Dr. Sanniec wants patients who decide on their own they want a tummy tuck. Dr. Sanniec focuses on treatments that deliver effective results that will age well with his patients over the next 20 to 30 years.

Dr. Sanniec will begin your consultation by getting to know you, discussing your goals and medical history, and considering whether he is the right surgeon for you. He will then perform a comprehensive evaluation to determine the appropriate tummy tuck technique and discuss his philosophy of maximizing longevity and natural-looking, anatomically achievable results. Dr. Sanniec will always recommend the least invasive, lowest-risk method to achieve optimal results, including non-surgical alternatives. He aims to deliver beautiful, long-lasting enhancements that create balance with each patient’s natural physique and features.

Dr. Kyle Sanniec

Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Authenticity. Integrity. Honesty. These characteristics are the foundation of Dr. Kyle Sanniec’s practice. With Midwestern values of hard work and humility, Dr. Sanniec sees himself as “the regular person’s plastic surgeon.” Dr. Sanniec focuses on delivering elite-level plastic surgery to patients who never thought they would get plastic surgery—the woman who wants to feel better in a bathing suit after her third kid or the man who wants the reflection in the mirror to match who he feels like inside.

Dr. Kyle Sanniec in a blue suit outside smiling

Am I an Ideal Candidate for West Valley Tummy Tuck?

Candidates for Arizona tummy tuck procedures are healthy men and women bothered by excess skin and fat in the abdominal area. They want to restore their sleeker, youthful physique to improve their self-image and boost their body positivity.

Candidates interested in North Scottsdale abdominoplasty procedures should:

  • Be at a healthy, stable body weight for at least 6 months
  • Have a BMI of 30 or less
  • Be in good overall health and living a healthy lifestyle
  • Be a non-smoker or willing to quit all nicotine at least 4 weeks before and after surgery
  • Not be pregnant or breastfeeding and be finished childbearing
  • Have no medical conditions that may impair healing
  • Have a positive outlook and realistic goals for the procedure
  • Understand the surgical risks and benefits

Preparing for Tummy Tuck

Before your West Valley tummy tuck procedure, you should be in good overall health. Dr. Sanniec and his team will provide thorough instructions on preparing for surgery and recovery; however, here is some general information.

  • Complete at least 30 minutes of walking, or another activity, per day for at least a couple of weeks before surgery. Patients who complete more training and physical activity before surgery recover more quickly.
  • For several weeks before surgery, eat a nutritious, high-protein diet and minimize simple carbs.
  • Stay well-hydrated before and after surgery.
  • Dr. Sanniec may recommend visiting your primary physician for an examination and appropriate testing, such as routine blood work, to ensure you’re medically fit for surgery.
  • Smoking is detrimental to your overall health and can greatly impact your recovery and results. As such, Dr. Sanniec requires patients to stop smoking at least 4 weeks before and after surgery.
  • Take adequate time off work to ensure you can focus on recovery.
  • Prepare a clean, comfortable place in your home to recover. You may find it helpful to freeze meals or set up a food delivery service.
  • Fill prescriptions and procure all necessary supplies.
  • Arrange for assistance, including requesting a responsible adult drive you home and stay with you for at least 24 hours after your procedure. Coordinate help with household management or childcare for a few weeks following surgery.
  • Follow your pre-op medication protocol as determined during your consultation.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol for at least 48 hours before surgery. 
  • Engage in exercise the day before surgery to help with nervous energy.
  • Get plenty of rest the night before your procedure.

What to Expect During Your Tummy Tuck Procedure in Phoenix, AZ

It’s important to avoid eating or drinking after midnight the night before your West Valley tummy tuck surgery. Take necessary medications with small sips of water. Come to the surgery center freshly showered and free of makeup, lotions, or deodorants. Be sure to wear comfortable, loose clothing that will be easy to put on after your procedure.

As Dr. Sanniec performs surgery at numerous hospitals and surgery centers in the Phoenix metropolitan area, he will discuss the most convenient time and place for your surgery during your consultation. It’s important to note the surgery center to ensure you arrive at the correct location 60 to 90 minutes before your scheduled surgery to check in and sign necessary documents.

You will then meet with Dr. Sanniec and your board-certified anesthesia provider to review the details of your procedure and answer any final questions. Then, Dr. Sanniec will make surgical markings, and you will be taken to the operating room. 

Tummy Tuck Procedures

Dr. Sanniec will begin your abdominoplasty procedure using the correct technique appropriate for your anatomy and goals. If Dr. Sanniec has recommended adding liposuction to your tummy tuck, he will perform this procedure first to help you achieve optimal plastic surgery results

Dr. Sanniec will make an incision that runs from one hip, concealed in the underwear line, and then up to the other hip. Depending on the extent of your procedure, Dr. Sanniec may also make an incision around the belly button. From this incision across the lower abdomen, Dr. Sanniec will repair damaged muscles and remove excess tissues and skin. He will then drape the remaining skin to create firmer, tighter contours and reposition the navel in an anatomically pleasing location.

Dr. Sanniec will then place sutures and cover the incisions with steri-strips that should remain in place until your first post-operative appointment. Depending on the individual characteristics of your procedure, tummy tucks typically take 2-3 hours.

View Real Patient Results

View our gallery to see Dr. Sanniec’s outstanding and natural-looking results of real patients’ before and after photos.

What to Expect After Your East Valley Tummy Tuck

Tummy tucks are typically outpatient procedures, so you return home the same day. It’s important to arrange for a responsible adult to drive you home from your procedure and help you with household tasks for at least a few days.

Following your procedure, you may experience mild to moderate pain and feel tender or sore for the first few days. It’s important to expect mild bruising, swelling, and muscle tightness; however, these effects will gradually subside over the next few weeks. Dr. Sanniec may prescribe pain, anti-inflammatory, and anti-nausea medications or recommend over-the-counter medications to alleviate discomfort.

After your tummy tuck procedure, Dr. Sanniec will fit you with a compression garment to minimize swelling and support your tissues, promoting recovery. You must wear your support garment for at least 6 weeks, except when showering or laundering, as recommended by Dr. Sanniec.

To ensure a healthy recovery, Dr. Sanniec recommends light walking the night of your procedure and up to 3 to 5 times each day afterward. However, it’s important to avoid strenuous activities, such as exercise or heavy lifting, that increase your heart rate for at least 6 to 8 weeks. It is also important to minimize twisting or straining as that can cause tension and tear the sutures that repair your abdominal muscle. Patients may resume light exercises like walking or riding a stationary bike within 2 weeks.

Abdominoplasty recovery greatly depends upon the extent of the procedure and your body’s healing abilities. Patients typically need 2 weeks for initial recovery, and then they usually feel well enough to resume working (provided there is no heavy lifting involved). Full recovery may take 3 to 6 months.

Partner with Dr. Kyle Sanniec—North Scottsdale’s Premier Plastic Surgeon

Arizona board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kyle Sanniec is an expert in body contouring procedures that can help you reclaim your confidence and renew your self-image. Boost your body positivity with a tummy tuck from Dr. Sanniec.

Learn about tummy tuck near me in North Scottsdale, Glendale, Mesa by calling (602)-786-1144 or completing our online form to schedule your consultation today!

Tummy Tuck FAQs in Scottsdale, AZ

Following a tummy tuck, most patients see immediate enhancements to their overall figures. However, patients should expect significant swelling and bruising that will obscure their final outcome for a few weeks. Swelling typically resolves within the first 3 months, revealing your full results. Residual swelling may persist for up to a year.

Tummy tuck procedures permanently remove excess skin,  fat, and tissue. However, significant weight fluctuations may impact the remaining fat cells and overall results. Thoroughly following Dr. Sanniec’s post-operative instructions, such as maintaining a balanced diet and consistent exercise routine, will help you maintain long-lasting results from your East Valley tummy tuck.

Dr. Sanniec will often have patients come to see him looking to help revise a tummy tuck done by another surgeon.  Patients often complain they have difficulty finding surgeons who are willing/comfortable doing revision tummy tuck surgery.  Fortunately, Dr. Sanniec has extensive experience with second opinions and trying to help patients wanting revisions to previous surgeries. 

Reasons patients seek revision:

  • Scar is too high
  • Scar is widened
  • No definition or contour irregularities on their abdomen
  • Excess abdomen and flank tissue that was not excised initially leading to fat/skin overhanging their bathing suit/clothes (Dog Ears)

Dr. Sanniec has developed an innovative lipoabdominoplasty technique to give patients a defined abdomen and excises additional deep fat to give patients a contoured midsection. This allows for better definition of the underlying abdominal muscles and transforms a patient’s midsection.

To create a smoother abdominal contour with your tummy tuck, Dr. Sanniec often includes liposuction or liposculpture to eliminate excess fat in the abdomen and flanks for a more toned appearance. Tummy tuck procedures are often included in Mommy Makeover full-body rejuvenation procedures, including breast rejuvenation, labiaplasty, or liposuction.

Combining procedures can help patients achieve their aesthetic goals more quickly without requiring multiple surgeries and recoveries, making it a more cost-effective option.

It would help if you came into your tummy tuck consultation with any questions about the procedure and any background research you have done about the surgery.  You should have clear goals defined as what you hope to achieve so we can ensure you are getting the right surgery.  Any “inspo” photos of what you are hoping to achieve, especially if you want a more defined look, so Dr. Sanniec can determine if that goal is something we can achieve.

Dr. Sanniec tries to utilize no drains during his tummy tuck surgery.  However, depending on some patients’ medical and surgical history or other surgeries performed, he may place a drain.  It usually stays in for less than 1-2 weeks.

If the patient has a diastasis, Dr. Sanniec will repair the widening of the muscle and place it back in its central position.  If the patient has no muscle widening, then there is no need to.

This depends on multiple factors, including your overall body fat composition. If your anatomy allows, you will see more definitions of the abdominal muscles and improved contour of the midsection, but how visible your abdominal muscles are depends on your overall body fat composition.

A tummy tuck is not a weight loss operation. Patients will typically lose 1-2 pounds at most. The goal is to improve the contour. While the scale may not change, your overall appearance may drastically improve and give the illusion of significant weight loss.

Typically, all sutures Dr. Sanniec puts in will dissolve on their own.

The appearance of curves and shadows to show the definition of the midsection rather than just a tight appearance; normal abdominal anatomy has some curves and definitions, and a great tummy tuck recreates that. 

 A low incision that is hidden to allow a patient to wear low riding attire and a belly button that doesn’t stand out or catch your eye but has a subtle appearance. Harmony between the abdomen, upper chest, and thighs to create that hourglass figure.

Swelling will depend on if you have additional procedures like liposuction. Usually, swelling is most pronounced in the first week of surgery. Patients can feel full after surgery and even have swelling in the thighs and the labia. This is minimized by the use of compression garments.

Recovery typically takes 6 weeks before you return to normal activities and up to 3 months before you are doing heavy lifting exercises or action sports. Patients will often take 1-2 weeks off work depending on their job requirements, as they are on a lifting restriction immediately after surgery.  Patients will also typically walk slightly bent at the waist for several days to 1 week after surgery.

The most common complication is related to a wound breakdown, specifically around the new belly button incision or the area directly below it.  Most of the time, this breakdown is treated with local wound care and will heal with dressing changes.  The other common complication is a fluid collection, either a hematoma or a seroma.  This is often treated by spontaneous resorption or small drainage in the clinic.

Intuitively, one would think you could simply put stitches and close this wound that breaks down. Unfortunately, these incisions break down because of tissue ischemia (lack of perfusion to the tissue).  If one goes back in immediately if the wound breaks down, this will cause additional tension, which worsens the ischemia and creates a larger wound as the tissue dies. After the incision has healed with local wound care and the tension has resolved, the incision can be revised to improve the appearance if needed.

Yes, it is common for Dr. Sanniec to perform circumferential liposuction to target the back/flanks/hips/abdomen to get a significant transformation of your midsection.

You can walk around the house on the day of surgery and 2 weeks after surgery. It is recommended to avoid  running and lifting weights for at least 2 months after surgery and slowly get back into an exercise routine.

Full lifting from a standing position should be avoided for 1-2 weeks, depending on your baby’s weight. Especially twisting moves like moving a baby from a crib or to a car seat.

Your abdomen will feel tight for several weeks after surgery. You want to minimize twisting and heavy lifting/straining. Normal walking may be uncomfortable but won’t hurt anything and is encouraged.

Yes, you can become pregnant. However, your pregnancy may affect your results. Pregnancy can cause a recurrence of the widened abdominal muscles and bulge in your abdomen. It can also loosen the skin and can affect the overall shape and tightness of your midsection, as you may have loose skin, particularly in the lower abdomen.

A tummy tuck is uncomfortable, but Dr. Sanniec uses numbing medications to assist with post-operative pain. The main discomfort occurs in the first 24-28 hours. However, patients can occasionally have pain as they start to heal if they twist or turn too fast, pulling on the suture repairs.

Dr. Sanniec does use your belly button. He dissects this out, does the skin resection, tightens the abdominal muscles, and then makes an incision in the new skin flap, delivers the belly button into that area, and sews it in place.

After your native belly button has been dissected out, Dr. Sanniec performs the rest of the procedure, tightens the muscle, and excises loose skin.  He then temporarily closes the skin and creates a new position for the belly button based on your anatomy. He then cuts a small hole and delivers the belly button into this new position.

The planning period usually involves several clinic visits to ensure the patient’s questions are answered and that Dr. Sanniec is able to create the ideal operative plan tailored to your specific goals. Dr. Sanniec does not have a one-size-fits-all approach to tummy tucks, so each patient gets their own specific plan geared toward these goals.

A tummy tuck will take anywhere from 2-3 hours, depending on what needs to be done and if you are getting liposuction or other procedures at the same time.

The key to choosing a good tummy tuck surgeon is finding someone you can trust and connect with.  First, review their patient photos to see if they have results that you would be happy with. You want to see them working with a wide range of patient body types and still delivering great results.  Then, during the visit, make sure that you genuinely trust them and have a plan you can agree upon together.  Surgery is a major decision and requires multiple pre-op and post-op visits, so making sure you are working with someone you enjoy spending time with is key.