Labiaplasty in Scottsdale with
Dr. Kyle Sanniec
Often, when it comes to talking about their most intimate areas, many women feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. At the same time, women all have unique labia, some experience enlarged, irregularly shaped, or asymmetrical appearance. Some women experience changes to the labia during puberty, childbirth, or menopause. These changes can cause functional concerns, including pain during intercourse or exercise. They may also experience cosmetic concerns that affect their confidence. Labiaplasty procedures can restore the function and enhance the appearance of the most intimate feminine area.
Dr. Kyle Sanniec is a board-certified plastic surgeon who wants to make elite procedures available to the average person. With Midwest values and extensive medical expertise, Dr. Sanniec combines his meticulous surgical skills with his patients’ goals to deliver natural-looking results to help patients alleviate their discomfort and restore their femininity.
Are you interested in learning how labiaplasty procedures with Dr. Kyle Sanniec can enhance your physique and boost your confidence? Contact us at (602)-786-1144 or complete our online form to request your consultation to begin your journey today!
What Is Labiaplasty?
Labiaplasty procedures are highly customizable to address the redundant skin and tissue of the labia majora, labia minora, or clitoral hood. The labia majora are the larger, hair-bearing outer lips of the vaginal area, and the labia minora are the inner lips. The clitoral hood is a small piece of tissue that covers the clitoris.
Excess tissue or skin can cause functional concerns, including pain during intercourse, exercise, or uncomfortable tampon or menstrual cup use, which leads to irritation or chafing during physical activities. Labiaplasty can also enhance the appearance of the labia.
Labiaplasty procedures may:
- Reduce chafing and discomfort
- Improve sexual satisfaction
- Increase confidence and self-esteem
- Restore comfort during tampon or cup use
- Improve the appearance of labia under tight-fitting clothing
Labiaplasty procedures will not impact the ability to become pregnant; however, future pregnancies can impact results and require revision procedures. Patients should wait 6 months to a year after their final pregnancy before considering labiaplasty to allow time for proper healing.
Phoenix , AZ Labiaplasty Techniques
Labiaplasty can trim excess tissue and skin on the labia majora, labia minora, or clitoral hood to create symmetry and reduce physical discomfort. With multiple labiaplasty techniques, Dr. Sanniec can deliver optimal results.
- Trim excision: The most common labiaplasty approach is the edge or trim excision. This technique creates a more even-toned appearance of the labia minora by removing the outer edge.
- Wedge resection: The wedge resection creates a V-shaped wedge by crafting incisions on both sides of the labia minora to remove the most enlarged portion. This technique produces less scarring and causes less sensitivity.
- Clitoral hood reduction: A clitoral hood reduction excises redundant tissues that stretch from the hood toward the labia minora. This procedure is not intended to expose the clitoris; however, it reduces tissues to maintain aesthetic balance with the labia minora and may increase sexual function.
- Labia majora reduction: This technique removes a crescent of skin from the inner portion of the labia majora based on the redundant tissue.
Why Choosing an Experienced Labiaplasty Surgeon Matters
Labiaplasty is a highly specialized procedure that requires a deep understanding of the intricate anatomy of the vulva. With numerous nerve endings in this sensitive area, the stakes are high when it comes to selecting the right surgeon. Unfortunately, patients who choose an inexperienced surgeon for this intimate surgery may face significant physical and sexual dysfunctions, including:
- Vaginal dryness
- Permanent numbness
- Sexual dysfunction
- Permanent urologic complications
These risks underscore the importance of entrusting your care to a surgeon with proven expertise in performing labiaplasty.
Why Choose Dr. Kyle Sanniec for Scottsdale, AZ Labiaplasty Surgery
Dr. Sanniec graduated from the University of Arizona College of Medicine. He then completed a fellowship and trained with world experts at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, TX, the US World News Top Plastic Surgery program in the country. With a premier education from pioneers in the field, Dr. Sanniec learned how to perform primary and secondary aesthetic plastic surgeries in many ways, providing him the ability and knowledge to truly customize procedures to ensure his patients’ safety and optimal results.
Dr. Kyle Sanniec
Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
Authenticity. Integrity. Honesty. These characteristics are the foundation of Dr. Kyle Sanniec’s practice. With Midwestern values of hard work and humility, Dr. Sanniec sees himself as “the regular person’s plastic surgeon.” Dr. Sanniec focuses on delivering elite-level plastic surgery to patients who never thought they would get plastic surgery—the woman who wants to feel better in a bathing suit after her third kid or the man who wants the reflection in the mirror to match who he feels like inside.
Am I an Ideal Candidate for West Valley Labiaplasty?
Candidates for labiaplasty procedures are healthy women bothered by enlarged labia tissues that can cause discomfort, irritation, or embarrassment during intimate moments. They may be considering labiaplasty procedures for aesthetic or functional purposes. Candidates interested in North Scottsdale labiaplasty procedures should:
- Be at a healthy, stable body weight
- Be in good overall health and living a healthy lifestyle
- Be a non-smoker or willing to quit all nicotine at least 4 weeks before and after surgery
- Not be pregnant or breastfeeding and be finished with childbearing
- Have no medical conditions that may impair healing
- Have a positive outlook and realistic goals for the procedure
- Understand the surgical risks and benefits
Preparing for Labiaplasty in North Scottsdale
Before your West Valley labiaplasty procedure, you should be in good overall health. Dr. Sanniec and his team will provide thorough instructions on preparing for surgery and recovery; however, here is some general information.
- Complete at least 30 minutes of walking, or other activity, per day for at least a couple of weeks before surgery. Patients who complete more training and physical activity before surgery recover more quickly.
- For several weeks before surgery, eat a nutritious, high-protein diet and minimize simple carbs.
- Stay well-hydrated before and after surgery.
- Dr. Sanniec may recommend visiting your primary physician for an examination and appropriate testing, such as routine blood work, to ensure you’re medically fit for surgery.
- Smoking is detrimental to your overall health and can greatly impact your recovery and results. As such, Dr. Sanniec requires patients to stop smoking at least 4 weeks before and after surgery.
- Take adequate time off work to ensure you can focus on recovery.
- Prepare a clean, comfortable place in your home to recover. You may find it helpful to freeze meals or set up a food delivery service.
- Fill prescriptions and procure all necessary supplies.
- Arrange for assistance, including requesting a responsible adult drive you home and stay with you for at least 24 hours after your procedure. Coordinate help with household management or childcare for a few weeks following surgery.
- Follow your pre-op medication protocol as determined during your consultation.
- Avoid consuming alcohol for at least 48 hours before surgery.
- Engage in exercise the day before surgery to help with nervous energy.
- Get plenty of rest the night before your procedure.
What to Expect During Your Labiaplasty Procedure Overview
It’s important to avoid eating or drinking after midnight the night before your labiaplasty surgery. Take necessary medications with small sips of water. Come to your procedure freshly showered and free of makeup, lotions, or deodorants. Wear comfortable, loose clothing that will be easy to put on after your procedure.
As Dr. Sanniec performs surgery at numerous hospitals and surgery centers in the Phoenix metropolitan area, he will discuss the most convenient time and place for your surgery during your consultation. It’s important to note the surgery center to ensure you arrive at the correct location 60 to 90 minutes before your scheduled surgery to check in and sign necessary documents.
You will then meet with Dr. Sanniec to review the details of your procedure and answer any final questions. Labiaplasty procedures are typically performed under local anesthetic or sedation.
Phoenix, AZ Labiaplasty Procedures
Dr. Sanniec will begin your labiaplasty using the appropriate technique determined by your anatomy and unique goals. He will create the correct incisions to eliminate excess skin and reshape the area. For labiaplasty procedures, Dr. Sanniec will use dissolvable sutures and cover the incisions with ointment and dressings. Dr. Sanniec will instruct you on how to keep the area clean, ensuring your healthy recovery and optimal results.
Depending on the extent of your labiaplasty procedure, it may last 1 to 2 hours.
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View our gallery to see Dr. Sanniec’s outstanding and natural-looking results of real patients’ before and after photos.
What to Expect After Your East Valley Labiaplasty
Labiaplasty can be performed in-office and under local anesthesia or as an outpatient surgery so you return home the same day. However, you will still need to arrange for a responsible adult to drive you home from your procedure and help you with household tasks for at least a few days.
Following your procedure, you may experience stinging, pulsing, or throbbing in the vaginal area for the first 24 to 48 hours. You will need to wear a pad afterward, and some spotting is normal after surgery. These effects will gradually subside. Plan to get adequate rest and ice the treated area frequently in the first 72 hours. However, avoid sleeping and sitting positions that may stretch the tissues.
While discomfort following labiaplasty is typically minimal, Dr. Sanniec may prescribe pain, anti-inflammatory, and anti-nausea medications or recommend over-the-counter medications to alleviate discomfort.
To ensure a healthy labiaplasty recovery, Dr. Sanniec recommends light walking the night of your procedure and up to 3 to 5 times each day afterward. However, it’s important to avoid strenuous activities, such as exercise or lifting more than 10 pounds, and sexual activity. Patients may typically resume light exercises like walking within 2 weeks and resume intimacy and tampon use in 4 to 6 weeks.
Labiaplasty recovery depends greatly on the extent of the procedure and your body’s healing abilities. Patients typically need 1 week for initial recovery and can resume working at that time.
How Soon Will I See My Labiaplasty Results?
Depending on the extent of your labiaplasty, full recovery typically takes 6 to 8 weeks. Patients should expect initial swelling and bruising in the first few days; residual swelling may take up to 4 to 6 months to resolve, revealing full results. Labiaplasty results are typically permanent; however, factors such as pregnancy, vaginal birth, and aging may impact result longevity.
Labiaplasty procedures require small, inconspicuous incisions. If necessary, Dr. Sanniec will provide you with a scar therapy regimen to improve the appearance of your scars. Following Dr. Sanniec’s post-operative instructions and sustaining a healthy lifestyle can help you maintain long-lasting results from your East Valley labiaplasty.
Partner with Dr. Kyle Sanniec—North Scottsdale’s Premier Plastic Surgeon
Body contouring specialist board-certified Dr. Kyle Sanniec is striving to make elite plastic surgery available to every person. With tailored labiaplasty procedures, Dr. Kyle Sanniec can help you restore your femininity and renew your self-image for greater body positivity.
Learn about labiaplasty near me in North Scottsdale by calling (602)-786-1144 or completing our online form to schedule your consultation today!
Labiaplasty FAQS in Scottsdale, AZ
A labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that reshapes or reduces the shape or size of the labia minora (the inner folds of skin alongside the vaginal opening).
This is a personal decision. There are many reasons a patient may choose a labiaplasty. These can range from discomfort when wearing clothes or exercising, difficulty with hygeine, feeling self-conscious during intimate moments, or trying to restore the changes that have occurred as part of the aging or childbirth process.
The labiaplasty procedure has minimal overall pain as numbing cream and local anesthetics is utilized to minimize discomfort. Most patients describe it as moderate discomfort and swelling for a few days that is manage with cold compresses and over the counter pain medicine. Patient will often have some minimal soreness for several weeks after surgery.
The labiaplasty takes 2-3 weeks to get through the initial healing phase where patients can start being more active, but can take a full 4-6 weeks to fully heal and patients can get back to normal activities.
A labiaplasty is an elective procedure. In general, most patients complain of the shape or size of the labia minora and will often experience discomfort during activities, feel self-conscious during intimate moments, or restore the appearance.
There is no set age for a labiaplasty and not really a “best” age as patients can experience discomfort or be self-conscious of the appearance of the labia at any age. However most patients have been thinking about the procedure for a while and have a specific issue they would like addressed and are able to understand the risks and benefits of the surgery.
It is critical that whoever performs your labiaplasty procedure is well trained and board certified. They must have a deep understanding of the anatomical considerations as there are numerous critical nerve endings that must be protected.
Even if you don’t have labiaplasty performed by Dr. Sanniec, it is paramount that you go to a surgeon who has excellent training as poor technique can lead to devastating sexual dysfunction or even the ability to have an orgasm. Unfortunately, Dr. Sanniec has seen first hand patients who underwent surgery be someone else whose training consisted of a weekend class and then have to deal with the long term impact of poor sexual dysfunction, decreased or no sensation, and urinary issues.
With that being said, in a well trained hand, a labiaplasty is a safe procedure, and patients have a high level of satisfaction.
There are typically two ways a labiaplasty is performed and they relate to the final appearance goal the patient has in mind.
- Trim incision: This trims off the excess labial tissue in straight line and then closes the incision in a straight line. This is a shorter operation and can offer a more dramatic transformation of the labia.
- Wedge resection: This cuts out a V shape of labial tissue and then closes the incision by moving tissue from the front and back of the labia to close down and remove the redundancy. This offers improved contour and a more natural appearance
You will see results immediately, with improved contour and appearance. There will be some spotting on the incision line and swelling, this can take a full 2-3 weeks to see the initial result and 2-3 months for final result.
Yes, the labiaplasty results are permanent. However, your body will still continue to age and changes in hormone level, additional pregnancies or surgeries can lead to changes in appearance.
While safe and with a high satisfaction rate, labiaplaty surgery does have side effects. These are minimized when you go to a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon like Dr. Sanniec. Patients can have sensitivity at the incision line during the healing process, this will usually resolve with time. There is also a small risk of an infection or the incision not healing, this can be combatted with meticulous post operative hygiene. Risks of sexual dysfunction, numbness to the area or dryness and urinary dysfunction are minimal when performed by well trained surgeons.
After you have met with Dr. Sanniec and discussed the surgery and had your questions answered, you will have a time scheduled for the procedure. On the day of the procedure, you will meet again with Dr. Sanniec and go over the final plan and proceed with the surgery. After the surgery, you will be wearing a heavy pad and will notice some swelling and oozing. You will then use cold compresses to help with swelling and any discomfort. Dr Sanniec will see you in clinic in 5-7 days to make sure your incisions are healing as expected. After that, you are seen around 3-4 weeks after your surgery and if healing is progressing as expected can transition to more normal activities.